Wie geht man mit alarmierenden News wie Chris Henrys CTE-Diagnose um, ohne Panikmacher zu sein? ESPNs Tim Keow kann in diesem lesenswerten Kommentar doch nicht anders, als am Ende eine epische Metapher zu bringen:
Boxing is an easy comparison. Once it became obvious that boxers chipped away at their cognitive abilities with every sparring session, boxing became a less attractive activity. In turn, the sport became dominated by dead-enders -- poor kids who find direction and discipline in the sport. Boxing is often termed a guilty pleasure, but that's just a fancy way for educated people to say they enjoy watching members of the expendable class beat each other up for the entertainment value.
And now Chris Henry's brain is asking a question: Is that football's ultimate fate?
That's a smart panic to have.
Boxing is an easy comparison. Once it became obvious that boxers chipped away at their cognitive abilities with every sparring session, boxing became a less attractive activity. In turn, the sport became dominated by dead-enders -- poor kids who find direction and discipline in the sport. Boxing is often termed a guilty pleasure, but that's just a fancy way for educated people to say they enjoy watching members of the expendable class beat each other up for the entertainment value.
And now Chris Henry's brain is asking a question: Is that football's ultimate fate?
That's a smart panic to have.
wiesengrund - 4. Juli, 10:04 - (No) Fun League